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Helpful Tips for Growing Orchids

Orchids are beautiful and the biggest selections are available close by in Mission Viejo.

Some helpful tips about Orchids are to remember to buy slow release fertilizer so that plants get fed every time at a slower pace. It works well for small collections of plants. Another good idea is misting the plants especially when you move them to a new place, because it can shock plants and they easily die if this is not done. So always be careful if you’re moving or take away to a new place.

Did you know a fresh sharp pencil placed into a pot is a great way to see if that plant is over watered?

Soft water will kill your plants. Always make sure you don’t use this water type, a place where fresh air moving around is essential for orchids.

If you find the Phalanenopisi is having trouble flowering or finished flowering then cut off the spike on the 4th node and when a new one develops it will bring additional flowers, but be careful because it may effect the next year’s growth. If you have new spikes, cut off the old spikes and try and keep the plant in temperatures of 55 degrees for two whole weeks. This may help the plant get back on track.

If your trying to get a cymbidium to flower they will need a huge amount of light, but be careful if you re pot them because this may stop them from the next seasons bloom. The best time to re pot is after the Orchid has flowered and try and put in a larger pot rather than any thing else.

Some people like to have green houses and most orchids are grown in these areas, but it is not essential.

For some very beautiful Orchids visit you’re the local wholesale florist in Mission Viejo and Irvine, where you can see a massive range of colors and sizes. Orchid plants Mission Viejo and Orchid plants Irvine are absolutely fabulous and gorgeous looking plants.


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